How to File a WCB Claim

Report the injury to your employer.
It’s always easier if you report the injury right away. But the law doesn’t have a deadline to report to your employer (although you MUST report it before you voluntarily leave employment or quit your job).
We know many people don’t report right away because they’re embarrassed, they think their injury will get better, or their injury comes on over a period of time.
No matter how much time has passed since your injury, the first step is to report it to your employer.
Report the Injury to WCB.
Your employer must send an Injury Report to WCB within five (5) days of being told you were injured at work. They can be penalized if they don’t.
Your employer has to send the Injury Report even if they don’t believe you or don’t think your injury is work related.. WCB will review everything and make the decision if you were injured at work.
But if your employer doesn’t send the Injury Report, you can send one yourself. Download the WCB Injury Report from their website. Fill in the form as best you can and send it to the WCB. Even if your employer doesn’t sign the form, this will get the claim process started.
Get medical attention.
Seeing a doctor is an important part of documenting your injury for WCB. Let your doctor know that your injury occurred at work. They will complete a Physician’s Report and send it to WCB for your claim.
Follow up with WCB.
Once an Injury Report is filed you should receive a letter from WCB with a claim number within two weeks. If you haven’t heard anything, you should call them at 1-800-870-3331 to make sure they have the documents that they need.
Stay in touch with your employer.
If you have to be off work because of your injury, it’s important that you continue to let your employer know what’s going on. You have the same responsibilities to give them updates as you would if you were off for a personal illness or injury. They may ask you for doctor’s notes or information about when you expect to be back. Do your best to give them what they need.
But remember, your employer does not have the right to know your diagnosis or other sensitive medical information! You don’t have to share that with them if you don’t want to.
They do have the right to medical confirmation that you are unable to work (a doctor’s note or form), to know the limitations or restriction caused by your injury (what you can and can’t do), and your prognosis for return to work (when your doctor thinks you’ll probably be able to go back).
Co-operate with return to work efforts.
Your employer may offer you light or modified work duties. This can be an excellent opportunity to reduce the disruption caused by your work injury. It can even speed your recovery. Discuss the light duties with your doctor or physiotherapist and see what they think.
As long as the duties your employer offers are meaningful and productive and are within your physical abilities, you have an obligation to participate.