WCB is starting a Policy Consultation process for the new Duty to Cooperate legislation.
Duty to Cooperate Legislation makes it mandatory for employers to offer light duties after an injury, and it makes it mandatory for workers to accept those duties. This legislation will significantly impact both workers and employers.
You can get more information on WCB’s website here …Return-to-Work/Duty-to-Cooperate.
We at the Office of the Worker Counsellor supports safe and timely return to work after an injury, as long as it is based on the following principles:
• Modified duties must be meaningful and productive.
• Modified duties that are token, trivial or demeaning are harmful to workers
• Modified return to work plans must be reasonable, taking into account a worker’s home, family and lifestyle
• The worker’s health and safety must be the top priority
• The opinions of the worker’s medical treatment team must be considered
• The worker’s pain levels, tolerance for activities, and overall well-being must also be considered
• Employers must pay the worker’s regular wages for any return to work hours
WCB is hosting a webinar for anyone interested in this Duty to Cooperate Policy Consultation. The WCB webinar is scheduled for Thursday, March 6, from 3 – 4 p.m. AST. You can register using this link. Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams
It is essential that workers have their say during this Policy Consultation. We hope you’ll find time to attend this or a future WCB events.
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at 902-455-5455, toll free 1-877-220-2722 or at e-mail info@workercounsellor.ca.